Recruitment and resourcing

From writing job descriptions, adverts, supporting interviews and exit processes through to developing long term resourcing strategies and carrying out employee engagement surveys; we can help you devise recruitment and resourcing plans which help you grow your business.

Recruitment and resourcing

Working in HR, we often end up dealing with the repercussion of an ill-judged or overly hasty recruitment decision. The impact of selecting the wrong candidate is costly both in terms of wasted time and money.

As a business owner, it is crucial that you recruit the right candidate who not only has the skills you require, but will fit into the culture of your business and be successful.

We are trained and experienced in the use of a number of recruitment and selection tools and techniques, and we can help you recruit and select the right people for your business first time around.

From writing job descriptions, person specifications and adverts through to shortlisting applications, interviewing and running assessments, we can help you with your recruitment and resourcing plans that will grow your business and keep staff retention rates high.


We are here to help, so if you are struggling with your HR in any way or you just want to talk through a particular issue, please get in touch for a free consultation.

Call us today on 0151 342 6978 or drop us an email and we will call you straight back.

Concentric HR ltd,
Whitfield Business Hub,
184-200 Pensby Rd,
CH60 7RJ

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